
Safer Schools NI

Educating, empowering and protecting the NI school community

Welcome to Safer Schools NI: the home of online safeguarding for school communities in Northern Ireland. Safer Schools NI is a partnership between the Department of Education and Ineqe Safeguarding Group.

The Friend Ship

An Adventure in Cyber Space

Embark on a cyber space adventure with ‘The Friend Ship’, a children’s book designed to help parents, carers, and safeguarding professionals plant seeds of safety in young minds. Join Jack, Maddie and Freddie on a journey through app age restrictions and friend requests as they decide who to let onboard and when to call the Mothership for guidance. Exclusively available now on your Safer Schools App or you can purchase a physical copy below!

The digital world is 24/7; it’s outside and inside of the school gates, so you need a service that does the same. Safer Schools NI is a digital library of age-appropriate safeguarding resources that you can check out anytime, from your phone to your computer to your classroom.

As a NI Safer School you get free access to:

  • A customised version of the Safer Schools NI App for your school community.

  • Resources and lessons for your teachers, parents and carers on our Teach Hub.

Your Safer Schools NI App and portal is a digital safeguarding communication toolkit helping you engage your entire school community. By providing school staff, parents, carers, and pupils with the information they need to know, when they need to know it, they will be better informed and protected together.

I’m School Staff

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I’m a Parent/Carer

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I’m a Pupil

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“I messaged my Safeguarding Lead halfway through the training to say how we needed to get this information across to our kids and our staff. I have learnt so much!! Thank you!”
“I’m passionate about keeping children safe and I think that this App brings together a wide range of credible resources from a really experienced team with a lot of knowledge behind it.”
Vice Principal
“The fact that you have a visual, an audio & a written element to the Safer Schools App means that it is applicable to a multitude of learners. For us to combat anything, whether that be mental health or bullying, you have to be where they [young people] are, the App provides a portal to their world.”
Safeguarding Lead
We found the step-by-step resources advising how to launch the app, at a pace that best suits our school, extremely useful. The combination of online and personal support provided by the team at Safer Schools NI has given us the tools we need to launch this important safeguarding tool effectively.
School Staff Member

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