Online Safety for schools

Join us for a virtual twilight session: discover how Safer Schools NI can help you Educate, Empower, and Protect your entire school community.

19th October 2023 15:30pm – 17:00pm
Came away from it feeling more confident in how to educate our pupils on Online Safety.
– Principal
It is delivered in an engaging, professional and thought provoking manner. It is honestly the best safeguarding or indeed training that I have taken part in for a long, long time.
– Principal
Thank you for organising the training and for playing such a crucial part in the safeguarding of all our pupils!
– Principal

Did you attend one of our LIVE training sessions and think a colleague could benefit from the same training? Or did you register for a venue, but couldn’t attend? Then this session is for you! Delivered virtually through Microsoft Teams, this is the perfect training for those who are unable to get out of the classroom to attend training sessions in-person.

Who is it for?

This training will benefit all safeguarding professionals and education staff in Northern Ireland. This includes, but isn’t limited to:

  • Designated Teachers
  • Pastoral Care Staff
  • IT Leads
  • Teachers and Classroom Assistants
  • Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

Training Schedule

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Resources and Training
  • App and Web Management Portal
  • Teachers and Classroom Assistants
  • Q & A

“Education is at the centre of how we empower our children and young people to make safer choices and footprints in a digital world. Our free regional training equips educators with the latest knowledge, tools, and strategies to engage their whole school community.
Reserve your place today – and together let’s make a difference!”

– Colin Stitt, Head of Safer Schools NI

If you have attended one of our training events we would love to hear your feedback

Educating, empowering and protecting the NI school community

The digital world is 24/7; it’s outside and inside of the school gates, so you need a service that does the same. Safer Schools NI is a digital library of age-appropriate safeguarding resources that you can check out anytime, from your phone to your computer to your classroom.

Download today for FREE!

download on google play
Download on the App Store
download on google play
Download on the App Store

To learn more about Safer Schools NI, click below!