The Online Safety Hub and Safer Schools NI

The Power of Partnership

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The Education Minister has written to all school Principals and Leaders to welcome the launch of The SBNIs Online Safety Hub. The Hub, developed in partnership with Ineqe Safeguarding Group, has been delivered as part of the Executive’s “Keeping Children and Young People Safe: An Online Safety Strategy”, led by the Department of Health.

The Minister stated:

“The protection of our children and young people is paramount and this includes the online world they are part of.”

Furthermore, the minister thanked school principals and leaders for their continued support and dedication to protecting our children and young people.

In his letter, the Minister reminded schools that the Hub was accessible through the Safer Schools NI App and encouraged schools who are not already using the App to consider registering on the Safer Schools NI Website.

Colin Stitt, Head of Safer Schools, said:

“Safer Schools NI and the Online Safety Hub are proof of the power of partnership. Protecting our children and young people online is a collaborative effort. If we educate and empower our school communities with the right resources now, together we can foster a safer, more positive and resilient future for our children and young people. At Ineqe Safeguarding Group, we are privileged to be able to partner with the Safeguarding Board of Northern Ireland and the Department of Education, to do just that.”

What is Safer Schools NI?

Delivered in partnership with Ineqe Safeguarding Group, the Safer Schools NI App is funded by the Department of Education and available at no cost to all statutory education settings. It seeks to help school staff, parents, carers, and pupils to manage a wide range of safeguarding issues. The App also provides schools with a range of effective communication tools, safeguarding training courses, and teaching resources for the classroom and at home. With over 800 schools now registered, Safer Schools NI has been created to help and support you, as together we educate, empower, and protect our school communities.

Training for Staff

A range of resources are available for schools to launch Safer Schools NI from webinars, presentations and downloadable graphics and letters.

At the start of the academic year, approximately 600 school staff registered to attend our Online Safety Training for Schools. Funded by Ineqe Safeguarding group and supported by the Department of Education, the Education Authority and the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland, the training took place across 11 council areas. The training was designed to increase staff’s knowledge, awareness and confidence in Online Safety risks, trends, and threats; understanding and practical use of the App and Communication portal; and the training, resources and classroom lessons available to them.

It is delivered in an engaging, professional and thought- provoking manner. It is honestly the best safeguarding, or indeed training, I have taken part in for a long, long time.
– Principal
I came away from it feeling more confident in how to educate our pupils on Online Safety.
– ICT Co-ordinator
Excellent, very informative and reassuring that there is support and/ someone to contact if we need advice.
– Primary School Principal

Educating, empowering and protecting the NI school community

The digital world is 24/7; it’s outside and inside of the school gates, so you need a service that does the same. Safer Schools NI is a digital library of age-appropriate safeguarding resources that you can check out anytime, from your phone to your computer to your classroom.

Download today for FREE!

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Download on the App Store
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Download on the App Store

To learn more about Safer Schools NI, click below!

The Online Safety Centre

Our Safety Centre is designed to provide you with practical online safety information and advice that is easy to access and simple to understand.

Use the short videos and step-by-step prompt cards to help you with blocking, reporting and setting privacy settings on popular apps and platforms.

Teach Hub

Our Teach Hub is a free library of resources created for teachers by teachers, specifically designed for teaching in your classroom. You will find age-appropriate lessons on topics affecting children and young people today. Each lesson contains a PowerPoint with animations, crib notes, interactive activities, and worksheets.

Upon registration for Safer Schools NI, your school will receive a Teach Hub licence key, giving you access to all the resources.

The Friend Ship

An Adventure in Cyber Space

Embark on a cyber space adventure with ‘The Friend Ship’, a children’s book designed to help parents, carers, and safeguarding professionals plant seeds of safety in young minds. Join Jack, Maddie and Freddie on a journey through app age restrictions and friend requests as they decide who to let onboard and when to call the Mothership for guidance. Exclusively available now on your Safer Schools App or you can purchase a physical copy below!

Teacher Targeted Bullying

The new Teacher Targeted Bullying course is available for free on your Safer Schools NI App. Watch the trailer of our new short film that explores what happens when Megan posts a TikTok about her teacher.