TikTok Guides

TikTok Guide for Schools

*These files will download directly onto your device

TikTok Guide for Parents and Carers

*These files will download directly onto your device

About the App

Safer Schools NI is a partnership between the Department of Education and INEQE Safeguarding Group.

The digital world is 24/7; it’s outside and inside of the school gates, so you need a service that does the same. Safer Schools NI is a digital library of age-appropriate safeguarding resources that you can check out anytime and from your phone to your computer to your classroom.

The Safer Schools NI App contains contextual safeguarding information, advice and guidance, researched and written by online safeguarding experts. It’s interactive, with engaging content which is easy-to-access, simple to understand and intuitive to use. We provide contemporary, credible and relevant content and resources for your entire school community. The Safer Schools NI App is updated with the latest news and alerts as-and-when they happen so you’ll also be in the know, in the here and now.

This App is designed to be a one-stop-shop for accessing essential safeguarding information, advice, and guidance. It’s a reference point you can turn to any time, right there on your phone!

App Access for Media

The Department of Education has kindly provided access to a centralised version of the App for you to view. Please use the App entry codes for Staff to gain access.

In the search box, type ‘Department of Education’ and click continue.

Select the relevant four digit entry code for the Primary or Post-Primary role and enter it when prompted on screen.

To view the other roles, please find entry codes at the link below.


In this promotional video, we hear from the Education Minister, Michelle McIlveen who outlines the benefits the Safer Schools App can bring to our communities.

EdIS Spotlight

The NAACE EdTech Review Framework


Hear from Clara McDevitt, Communications Officer and Vice President of the Secondary students’ Union NI as she discusses the benefits of the Safer Schools NI App.


Safer Schools App will undoubtedly serve to raise our schools’ existing Safeguarding and CP resources to the highest level.”

“ESPS welcome the introduction of Safer Schools App that is designed to protect and support all of our school community in this ever changing and often confusing digital world.”

“Schools Safer App is personalised to schools and cleverly syncs with our website and home school communication platforms, ensuring that our whole school community are informed and supported on all up-to-date matters of Safeguarding and Child Protection.”

“Our partnership with Safer Schools enables our staff and leadership to be provided with essential contemporary training and equipped with highly effective support tools to help protect our pupils in an ever changing and always potentially harmful digital world.”

“Important information can be shared instantly with all members of our school community.”

“ESPS welcome the Safer Schools App as it brilliantly serves to share vital digital information, strengthen our school’s capacity for safeguarding pupils and enables the whole school community to be involved in helping protect our pupils.”

– Mr John Armstrong, Principal
Euston Street Primary School

“Having the Safer Schools app across all academies and stakeholders in our Trust has enabled us to give the same, credible online safety message from all stakeholders for our pupils. The age and role differentiation within the app means that everyone has what they need at their fingertips at all times. The short alerts that come through keep us all up to date with the new challenges or risks (and safety features) of the ever-evolving online world; a job that no one DSL or (Trust Safeguarding Director!) could ever hope to do!”

“New colleagues that join the Trust complete the online training courses and produce certificates that allow us to have confidence in our compliance as well as the quality of the courses designed by experts. For me the very best aspect of having a Trust wide app like safer schools is that we can share it with new pupils as part of transition so that they are welcomed into our academy community with the message that we will keep you safe; it is our number one priority. The app gives us security that when the academy is closed for holidays or at night when pupils are alone and online they always know where to access help and credible information to keep themselves safe and parents have the same tool so be able to offer the same support. ”

– Director of Safeguarding

“This is THE most exciting and informative digital technology that I have come across which I see will be beneficial for the WHOLE school community (and individual families etc..)”

“As someone who only occasionally uses social media, a complete non-gamer(!) and for whom new technology always seems so complex to use (until I have gone through a step by step list of instructions) – this Safer Schools app, has given me hope that I (and others like me) can easily keep up to date with latest relevant technology.”

“I find it easy to navigate and the content is communicated in an intelligible, stimulating way.”

“I am so delighted to be part of this roll out.”

– Vice Principal

“After previewing the app, I am excited to see such an excellent resource tailored for Staff, Pupils and Parents/Carers.”

“This app will be invaluable in providing quick and easy access to current issues and up to date information on risks posed to children across Northern Ireland. Likewise, it will help young people to learn about how to keep themselves safe.”

– Head of Pastoral Care

“I have already found the app extremely helpful as shortly after downloading it my husband discovered a friend had sent sexual images to our son.”

“We looked through the advice on the app and the videos to watch about how to speak to young people about this. These enabled us to have a very helpful hour-long conversation with our son and he seems to be much happier and more open with us ever since.”

– Gail
Parent of Secondary School Pupil

“The Safer Schools App NI would be incredibly useful for The Secondary Students’ Union of Northern Ireland as it is an effective way of sending information to our students.”

“Whether that’s information about how to keep safe online, or general news revolving issues that effect students such as exams or other School news, this app would allow us to quickly and effectively get this message across.”

-Clara McDevitt
Communications Officer and Vice President,
Secondary students’ Union NI

“I love the design of this app., and its easy-to-navigate set up.”

“It’s colourful, attractive presentation encourages the user to keep looking!”

“Normally, with the amount of information in this app. I would have given up searching–but the signposting seems very clear and user friendly.”

– Vice Principal


App Store Links

App Store Badges

Product Imagery

About INEQE Safeguarding Group

INEQE Safeguarding Group is the largest independent company of its kind in the UK and Ireland. Led by Jim Gamble QPM, the founding CEO of the UK Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, our management and staff have an unrivalled reputation for delivering comprehensive safeguarding reviews, training and cutting-edge products and services. We believe in the power of education. That’s why we’re committed to creating safer, easy to access digital environments where everyone can learn and thrive.

Our expert teams of teachers, criminal justice, legal, health and social care practitioners have over 250 years combined safeguarding experience, ranging from frontline practice to senior and strategic leadership roles.

When it comes to safeguarding children, we know that standing still is falling behind. That’s why we invest in staying up to date for you. Our specialist teams monitor safeguarding news and alerts in real time. They gather feedback from our Safer Schools NI partners on the issues they face and capture the lessons emerging from local, national and international reviews of safeguarding practice.

Safer Schools NI in the News