NFTs may be coming to Instagram soon
- Mark Zuckerberg reports that non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will be coming to Instagram “over the next few months”.
- This follows the introduction of NFTs into Twitter as profile pictures, but no official announcement or release date has been made for Instagram.
- For more information on NFTs, check out our article.
- You can read the full story on The Verge’s website.
Met Police apologises for strip-search of Hackney schoolgirl
- In 2020, Child Q, a Black female child of secondary school age, was stripped and searched by female police officers from the Metropolitan Police Service.
- The search involved the exposure of her intimate body parts which took place on school premises without an appropriate adult present while she was menstruating.
- The Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review concluded that race was “likely a factor” and the search was unjustified, Met Police have apologised.
- You can read the full story on BBC’s website.
Children’s Commissioner calls for more power for Ofcom to protect children
- Children’s Commissioner, Dame Rachel de Souza, has urged ministers to go further in their duty of care.
- She claims that Ofcom should be granted power to impose criminal sanctions on senior managers if they fail to protect children from harm online.
- This would mean that tech bosses would face up to two years in prison for failing to prevent children being exposed to illegal content or behaviour such as abuse.
- You can read the full story on The Telegraph’s website.
Free school meal scheme during holidays in doubt
- A scheme to pay for free school meals could be in doubt because of a funding crisis.
- The Department of Education is warning that schemes such as ‘Holiday Hunger’ which provides families in need with funding during school holidays could disappear.
- The scheme has benefitted over 100,000 children but these families may be left without any help in future.
- You can read the full story on The Belfast Telegraph’s website.