4 million children now live in households on Universal Credit

  • New official data shows that the number of children in low-income families receiving universal credit has risen to four million. 
  • According to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), this is half a million more than this time last year.  
  • It is estimated that 800,000 children live in poverty but miss out on free school meals because their parents earn more than £7400 a year, excluding benefits. 
  • The Independent’s ‘Feed the Future’ campaign urges the government to help more children with free school meals by including those on Universal Credit, who are currently exempt from the scheme.  
  • For more on this story, please visit the Independent’s website. 

Awaab Ishak: Toddler’s mould death unacceptable

  • Housing secretary Michael Gove has said that the death of a toddler living with mould in his home is an “unacceptable tragedy”. 
  • Awaab Ishak was two years old when he died of a respiratory condition caused by the mould in his family home.  
  • Awaab’s father repeatedly raised this issue with Rochdale Boroughwide Housing but no action was taken.  
  • The minister said the government was bringing forward legislation to ensure housing associations responsible for providing social housing are “held to account”. 
  • For more on this story, please visit the BBC News website.  

Special schools in NI may close during nurses’ strike

  • Some special schools may have to consider closing in the event of strike action by nurses.  
  • This comes from guidance on school closures from the Department of Education.  
  • Nurses across the UK have recently voted to strike over pay with action expected to start by the end of the year.  
  • Nurses work in some special schools which have pupils with profound disabilities or life-limiting conditions. 
  • To find out more, go to the BBC’s website.