Tweets with racial slurs soar after Musk takeover

  • New research from the Center for Countering Digital Hate found the number of tweets containing one of several different racial slurs soared in the week after Elon Musk bought Twitter.
  • This came despite assurances from the platform that it had reduced hateful activity.
  • A racial slur used to attack Black people was found more than 26,000 times, 3 times the average for 2022.
  • The use of slurs to target trans people increased by 53%.
  • To learn more, go to the Independent’s website.

Trends like #WhatIEatInADay may influence disordered eating behaviours

  • A study from the University of Vermont analysed 1,000 TikTok videos under popular hashtags related to body image and eating and how they may influence disordered eating behaviours.
  • #WhatIEatInADay had 3.2 billion views and #WeightLoss had 10 billion views at the start of the study.
  • Less than 3% of the nutrition-related videos were weight-inclusive.
  • Many of the videos also assigned ‘good’ or ‘bad’ labels to different foods and most nutrition advice was not provided by experts.
  • The study highlighted a particular concern about the number of young women who interacted highly with the content.
  • Over 60% of the videos were made by female-presenting people, and more than half were users in their teens or college-aged.
  • For the full study, go to the CNBC’s website.

Transfer test: Academic selection ‘perpetuates divisions’

  • A research paper from Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) has said that academic selection perpetuates divisions in wider society of Northern Ireland.
  • They found transfer tests and the grammar school system “disadvantages the already most disadvantaged”.
  • The QUB academics were critical of the NI Executive and education ministers who they said have “resisted intervening in the transfer test system”.
  • To find out more go to the BBC’s website.