Twitter bans posting pictures of ‘private individuals’ without consent

  • Twitter has announced it will now let private individuals request that pictures or videos featuring them to be removed.
  • This ban aims to prevent harassment or invasions of privacy.
  • The ban includes exceptions for images and videos that are shared in the interest of the public, such as news.
  • For information on Twitter, check out our safety card.
  • Full story, here.

Twitch’s new tool, Suspicious User Detection, will identify users evading bans

  • Twitch is going further in its attempt to reduce harassment from the platform with a new tool called ‘Suspicious User Detection’.
  • This will evaluate the accounts of potential ‘ban evaders’ and compare that information against accounts that have already been banned from a streamer’s channel.
  • Streamers can choose to monitor a ‘likely’ evader or ban them and messages from other ‘likely’ evaders won’t be sent to chat.
  • This tool will be a default feature, but streamers can tweak or turn off the tool if they want.
  • Full story, here.

Students call for funding for advanced COVID-19 measures

  • School pupils have called upon Education Minister, Michelle McIlveen, to make funding available for enhanced safety measures in schools.
  • These measures would include better classroom ventilation and air purification.
  • This call follows the discovery of the Omicron variant within the UK and comments from Sir Chris Witty, that there would be ‘significant outbreaks among those not vaccinated in schools.’
  • Full story, here.