Replacing social media use with exercise found to improve mental health
- Spending 30 minutes less on social media daily and engaging in physical activity can significantly improve mental health according to a new study from the Journal of Public Health.
- Those assessed stated they felt happier, more satisfied, and less depressed than the control group.
- Read more about this study on the Independent’s website.
Children’s TV show Peppa Pig introduces its first lesbian couple
- Children’s show Peppa Pig has added a lesbian couple to its cast of characters for the first time.
- A character called Penny the polar bear introduces her two mothers.
- Viewers have taken to social media to praise the decision to show an LGBT+ family for the first time in the show’s history.
- Find the full story on the Independent’s website.
Pre-School education plans for NI ‘do not go far enough’
- There has been a political disagreement over a plan to increase pre-school education for children in Northern Ireland.
- The Education Minister has announced proposals for all 3-4 year olds to get a minimum of 22.5 hours in pre-school each week.
- This has been criticised as not going far enough and calls for free childcare have been made.
- Find the full story on the BBC’s website.