Instagram fined €405m over children’s data privacy

  • Regulators have fined Instagram €405m for violating children’s privacy.
  • The complaint regarded phone numbers and email addresses, following young people upgrading to business accounts to access analytical tools.
  • Many did not realise this would make more of their data public.
  • The NSPCC has said that it was a “major breach that had significant safeguarding implications”.
  • Find out more on the BBC’s website.

Rising levels of unrestricted online access for children

  • Research from CyberSafeKids has found there are rising levels of unrestricted access to smart phones, online access and social media for children under the age of 12.
  • The study found 95% of 8 to 12 year olds own their own smart device.
  • 87% had their own social media accounts, despite many apps imposing higher age restrictions.
  • You can read more about this major survey on the Irish Examiner’s website.

‘Doomscrolling’ linked to poor physical and mental health

  • New research has suggested that ‘doomscrolling’, or the consistent urge to scroll online (despite there being sad, disheartening, or depressing news) can lead to poor mental and physical health outcomes.
  • Previous research had found that the act has rapidly increased since the onset of the pandemic.
  • Health impacts included greater stress levels, anxiety and poor health.
  • It is suggested the 24-hour-news cycle could leave some individuals in a “constant state of high alert”.
  • For more information, go to the Guardian’s website.