Estimates of childhood exposure to online sexual harms and their risk factors
- A new study from WeProtect Global Alliance, conducted by Economist Impact, surveyed 2,000 18-year-olds across four European countries, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Poland.
- The study examined those who had regular access to the internet as children to understand their experiences and exposure to online sexual harms during childhood.
- 68% of respondents experienced at least one of the four online sexual harms considered.
- A quarter of respondents reported receiving sexually explicit content from an adult they knew or someone they did not know between the ages of 9 and 12.
- 54% received sexually explicit content on a private image or video sharing service.
- The study also found that girls are disproportionately affected by online harms during childhood with 79% experiencing at least one online sexual harm during childhood, compared with 57% of boys.
- For more, please visit the We Protect website.
Revealed: Number of children experiencing online hate speech is growing but are parents talking about it?
- Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd and Internet Matters have joined together to tackle online hate, such as racism, homophobia, and sexism.
- The joint initiative is called ‘The Online Together Project’ and is an interactive tool made up of 10 questions, offering advice and encouraging conversations between parents and children.
- It comes after research of 1,600 UK parents and 1,000 children aged 9-16 conducted in November 2022 revealed how 12% of parents reported their children experienced hate speech online.
- Hate speech is listed as one of the top five things young people say they experience online, with 62% of parents reporting being concerned about their child becoming exposed to hate speech.
- Brian Ford, the Vice President of Customer Experience at Samsung Electronics UK stated that “it’s crucial to provide tools to help young people safely navigate the internet and teach what is appropriate to share online”.
- For more, please visit the Samsung Newsroom UK website.
Relationships and Sexuality Education in Post Primary Schools in NI
- The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission have released a full report titled, “Relationships and Sexuality Education in Post Primary Schools in Northern Ireland: A Compelling Case for Reform”.
- The UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) make a recommendation to the UK government to “make age appropriate, comprehensive and scientifically accurate education on sexual and reproductive health and rights a compulsory component of curriculum for young people, covering prevention of early pregnancy and access to abortion, and monitor its implementation”.
- The report makes 13 recommendations to provide practical guidance for schools and public authorities in complying with CEDAW.
- To access the report, please go to the NIHRC website.