Concerns the Online Safety Bill ‘might fail to protect young people from harmful content’
- Chief executive of the Samaritans, Julie Bentley, has said that information surrounding the methods of suicide and self-harm would not reach the threshold to be classed as illegal content for those over the age of 18.
- Research has shown that vulnerable young people in their late teens and 20s would be placed at increased risk due to this discrepancy.
- Ms Bentley stated that legally becoming an adult did not mean that young people stop being vulnerable.
- Research commissioned by the charity, found that 83% of UK adults agreed that suicide and self-harm content can have damaging effects on adults as well as children.
- For more on this story, please visit the Yahoo News website.
NASUWT teaching union fails to meet ballot turnout
- The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) reported a 42% turnout for the ballots, which was below the 50% threshold needed for lawful strike action.
- NASUWT members, as well as those from other unions have already been on strike in Scotland.
- Teachers from five unions in Northern Ireland are continuing to take action short of a strike which has been affecting attendance and admin tasks.
- NASUWT national officer, Michelle Codrington-Rogers has said that teachers leaving the profession are leaving a higher workload for other staff, which could result in burnout ultimately affecting their pupils.
- For more on this story, please visit the BBC News website.
Coercive control: Report says few teens know about form of abuse
- A new research study, called Young People’s Understanding of Coercive Control in Northern Ireland has been carried out by Ulster University (UU), Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) and the Northern Health Trust.
- 16% of more than 2,000 16-year-olds had heard of coercive control and knew what it meant.
- More boys than girls who took part in the study said they knew about the issue.
- The researchers said there was limited evidence on how relationship and sex education (RSE) in schools were addressing the topic of coercive control.
- This research comes amidst several recent calls for changes to how RSE is taught in schools.
- For more on this story, please visit the BBC News website.