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March 23, 2023

Government emergency alert scheduled for 23rd April

  • The UK government are scheduling a test alert for Sunday 23rd April 2023.
  • Emergency Alerts is a UK government service that warns you if there is a danger to life nearby.
  • In an emergency, your phone or tablet will receive an alert with advice about how to stay safe.
  • You may get alerts about severe flooding, fires or extreme weather.
  • The test alert will last for approximately ten seconds and your phone or tablet may make a loud siren-like sound even if on silent, vibrate or read out the alert.
  • For more information, please see the UK Government website.

ChatGPT bug leaked users’ conversation histories

  • A ChatGPT glitch meant that some users could temporarily see the titles of other users’ conversations.
  • Each conversation a user has with ChatGPT is stored in their chat history bar where it can be revisited.
  • However, some users reported seeing conversations that did not belong to them.
  • Users have taken to social media platforms Reddit and Twitter to share images of what they had found.
  • OpenAI Sam Altman said that the issue has now been fixed and the company feel “awful.”
  • Many users are still concerned about privacy on the platform.
  • For more, please visit the BBC News website.

Domestic violence: Police alert NI schools more than 2,000 times

  • Police figures have highlighted that schools in some areas of Northern Ireland have been alerted more than 2,000 times in less than two years about pupils affected by domestic violence.
  • ‘Operation Encompass’ allows police to tell school staff if a pupil is affected by domestic abuse, the information shared by the police is in strict confidence.
  • This enables the child or children to get the support they may require from a trusted adult.
  • The scheme has been rolled out to 900 schools across Northern Ireland and will be rolled out to the remaining schools in the summer of 2023.
  • For more on this story, please visit the BBC News website.

Education: Funding cuts put NI young people’s schemes at risk

  • Two long running education schemes benefitting children and young people in County Antrim and west Belfast are at risk due to a lack of funding.
  • The ‘Sharing the Learning’ programme in west Belfast involves 51 schools and the ‘In Your Corner’ scheme run by Monkstown Boxing club supports 250 young people.
  • The schemes both end on March 31st and have not yet been renewed. Due to a challenging budget it is likely significant savings will have to be made.
  • There is “grave concern” regarding the termination of the programmes due to support they provide to children and young people in those areas.
  • For more on this story, please visit the BBC News website.