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March 1, 2023

Twitter have rewritten its rules on violent content

  • Twitter have announced that they have officially launched a new ‘zero tolerance’ violent speech policy.
  • The violent speech policy was previously expressed in abusive behaviour rules.
  • The content of this policy is similar to its predecessor, however there are some differences and expansions.
  • Wishing someone harm is covered under the new policy which includes examples such as, “hoping for others to die, suffer illness, traffic incidents or experience other physically harmful consequences”.
  • The new policy also bans threats against “civilian homes and shelters or infrastructure”.
  • It includes exceptions for speech related to video games and sporting events, as well as “satire, or artistic expression when the context is expressing a viewpoint” rather than intent for harm.
  • For more on this story, please visit the Verge website.

The Number of UK children in food poverty nearly doubles in a year

  • According to the Food Foundation thinktank the number of UK children experiencing food poverty has risen to nearly 4 million.
  • 22% of households skipped meals, went hungry, or did not eat for a day in January 2023, a 12% increase from January 2022.
  • 80% of people surveyed in England stated that they were in favour of extending free school meal requirements to those receiving universal credit.
  • London’s Mayor, Sadiq Khan, announced all primary school pupils in London, will be offered free school lunches for a year from September.
  • Wales has reported that they plan to provide free school lunches for primary school children by 2024, with this policy being rolled out in Scotland.
  • Department of Education spokesperson stated that since 2010, children receiving free school meals has increased by 2 million, although 800,000 children in poverty are estimated to ‘not qualify’ for them.
  • For more, see the Guardian website.

Children’s Commissioner unveils Irish Football Association’s safeguarding policy

  • The Irish Football Association has launched a new Safeguarding Policy for all football clubs in Northern Ireland.
  • The document is designed to help football clubs protect their younger players.
  • Koulla Yiasouma said, “these procedures should make sure that everyone working in Irish FA-affiliated football clubs is confident in identifying and acting on concerns when a child may be at risk.”
  • The aim of the document is to promote a sense of “shared responsibility” among all those involved with the IFA in providing opportunities to young footballers.
  • For the full story, go to the Belfast Telegraph’s website.