Reading Time: 1.8 mins

September 15, 2023

ICO encourages organisations to share information on children at risk of harm

  • The ICO has published new guidance on the issue of addressing concerns from frontline workers on sharing information on children and young people at risk of harm.
  • The guidance which is aimed at people involved at safeguarding children at all levels, is made up of 10 steps.
  • Identifying the objective for sharing information, assessing risks and sharing as needed, entering into a data sharing agreement and following data protection principles are some of the steps practitioners should follow.
  • The guidance illustrates that senior leaders should ensure that everyone in their organisation has the required level of understanding of what to do to safeguard children.
  • A range of resources to support organisations in raising awareness of the benefits of sharing information has also been created.
  • For more, please visit the UK Authority’s website.

UK parents place low value on teaching children obedience, study finds

  • A study of 24 countries sought to understand the values that parents place most importance on in their children.
  • The UK generally placed less importance on instilling obedience in children than most other countries in the survey.
  • The UK was among countries at the top of the table for placing high importance on teaching children to not be selfish and to have an imagination and good manners.
  • For more, please visit the Guardian’s website.

Strangford College selection plan given green light

  • The permanent secretary of the Department of Education has ruled that a County Down integrated school can use transfer tests to admit some pupils.
  • The department had previously turned down the long-standing proposal by Strangford Integrated College.
  • Dr Mark Browne has now approved the school’s plan to select 35% of new pupils by using transfer tests.
  • The school’s governors plan to select 45 out of 130 new year 8 pupils for the school every year using academic selection.
  • A new common transfer test is due to take place of the first time in November 2023.
  • For more, please see the BBC News website.

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